Creating visual content focused on building trust and an emotional attachment to your brand.

Southern Edge Media is based on the beautiful Southern Edge of Tasmania. Producing strategic visual content for websites, social media and print.

“Tell the Right Story, to the Right People at the Right Time.”

We help your business grow by delivering clear, concise and compelling media at the right time to the right people. This is achieved through strategic planning. Weekly, monthly to seasonal distribution throughout social media, website updates and or print depending on your industry.

“Creating visual content focused on building trust and an emotional attachment to your brand.”

Photos and videos are a highly effective way of telling stories that create emotion and motivate buyers. They reflect your personality, build trust and in turn build emotionally attach people to your brand.

Videos, especially, are a powerful tool for small business owners. When you use videos to share your brand story, you build relationships from the moment a potential client lands on your website.

“Stand out from the crowd and stop your potential customers scrolling by using crisp, clear, media that support you and your brand.”

Websites today need to be more than a static, online brochure with stale stock photography. Your website needs the right photos to tell your story in a way that is inviting and personable. 

In fact, 66% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by watching a short video than reading about it. 

“Connect to your customers in a meaningful and human way.”

Businesses now have endless potential to use videos and photos to reach customers. Show who, what, where and why your business exists. How you solve potential customers pain points to customer video testimonials.

To make it affordable, I’ve created packages so visual content marketing is accessible to every small business in Southern Tasmania.

I look forward to the opportunity to working with you in the further.

Stuart Lyall

Get in touch..

My Story

From a young age I loved how photography froze a moment in time that could be re-lived.

After high school, I studied cinematography at Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS). The experience of learning the technical and artistic side of filmmaking allows me to tell a business story in the same way going to the movies makes us feel. 

Photos and Videos can take you somewhere you’ve never been before. They give you the inspiration to travel, move to a new location or take up a new activity. They also give you an emotional attachment to someone, something or somewhere. 

Creating content with your phone camera works, but to really draw your audience in, there’s a lot more to consider. This is where I can help. Together, we’ll create strategic visual content that emotionally connects customers to your business. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my story.